Are these aluminium bottles gorgeous or what?
Here’s the thing, as a designer we throw a lot of crappy work on the wall. A good 98% of the work you do is thrown in the garbage (most of it for good reason). But seeing this comprehensive display of packaging is like watching a runway show of amazing dresses. Every garment another aspect of a beautiful vision. It represents a deep-seeded fantasy that all of our best work would someday be shown together (and actually look decent). I love this gallery of great design. Some of them speak to me more than others, some would flatter certain curves, and others would simply serve as the crown jewel in a personal collection. It’s a Cornucopia of swank.
I like to look at them, lined up in a row; a perfect army of sleek and unexpectedly sophisticated soldiers.
Coca-Cola knows how to push a brand to the very edges of recognition and still be true to their core identity. I am sure there is some form of verbal-jujitsu that would explain exactly how this is accomplished, but for now, I don’t want to know. I just want to soak in the mastery. I don’t need the curtain to be drawn back.
OZ has spoken. And I, for one, am listening.
Pepsi-Take Note