This is an advertisement offering free beer to college students with deteriorating GPAs. As if they don’t have enough bad habits already—let’s promote drinking.
The strategy behind this campaign was touted as an effort to reach out to college students and push the creative limits to grab their attention. There are lots of ways to grab someone’s attention, but I consider this on par with ass-grabbing or catcalling. Ultimately, it only speaks to the lack of character in the perpetrator.
And finally, answer me this…is Tequila Flats a subsidiary of AIG? Has our entire nation begun to subscribe to the practice of rewarding incompetence? If so, I would like my check for failing to see the humour in this.
I doubt I would have had the cojones to sign off on this campaign, but I see where it's coming from.
ReplyDeleteIt obviously only applies to students over 21. And by the time you've gone through over half your college career, you're pretty no-nonsense when it comes to getting out of there ASAP. Maybe demented freshman with little clarity on the repercussions of their actions would see this as an incentive, but not likely a junior or senior.
If I had the horrendous misfortune of getting grade that low at this point (dear god, knock on wood), a free beer would be a small token of kindness for someone likely in the midst of losing their mind.
But in the end, it's an ass-backwards campaign because it's also clearly not advisable to comfort someone in the midst of losing their mind with booze.