There are packaging designs that speak to you, and disappointingly, some that don’t. But there is also a rare category of packaging that is so different and unique, that you simply have to own—regardless of the content.
Silver Joe’s is one of those exceptional pieces of design. It ignores commonplace sensibilities about coffee bags and buckets, and heads straight to our core desires—to be shiny and lasting and new. I truly envy this coffee tin!
While it is obviously cool, it is also quite smart, making it irresistible. The colourful buttons defining the various roasts look good enough to press. The tins stack nicely, and the tactile design encourages the audience to not only look, but also feel its qualities. And heck, once you pick it up—why not throw it in your basket and take it home? It sells itself.
I wish I had designed it. It goes way beyond the box. In fact, this tin takes the box camping, feeds it some s’mores, sings it some campfire songs, shows it the time of its life and then tells the box that it will call later. But we all know that it won’t.